e love Ashtanga Yoga,
and we love encouraging students to find variations of postures that work. But many in the Ashtanga community aren't pleased that we welcome all body types and humans to our classes. They tolerate body shaming, and we never wanted to be a part of that. So, for many years, we stopped using the name Ashtanga Yoga for our classes.
At CPY we don't subscribe to body shaming students. We support your practice and can help you learn to love to yoga, too.

The CPY Pivot
So we pivoted. Instead of trying to fit into the yoga box harshly forced upon Ashtanga teachers, we found our helpful and meaningful path. This is why CPY has a core that everyone says is filled with love. You can't explain it in words.
Because of the challenges brought to us through the yoga community, we evolved into a powerhouse of knowledge and dedication. Our support for our students is unwavering, and our dedication flourished.
We know that you can learn and understand this, and you deserve to learn it. Who are we as teachers to decide who gets this knowledge or not? That's not our place as teachers. We aren't here to tell you that a pose or sequence isn't for you; we are here to show you that a pose has multiple varieties, so let's find the one that works for you!
Our study of Ashtanga is a never-ending journey. This commitment to continuous learning is a powerful aspect of our classes at CPY.
Both teachers and students are always on the brink of discovering something new about the body and mind. And the experience is not just enlightening, it's exhilarating!
Links related to this post:
- More about CPY
- Invite CPY's lighthearted energy to your office
- Planning an event with CPY
- A meditation session designed around you
- Athletes love CPY's yoga therapy
- Start Practicing at home. Videos to get you going
- Learn about our book about how yoga is meditation
- The path of commitment - the yoga mind
Use the schedule below to sign up for an Ashtanga Yoga Class at CPY
Ashtanga yoga classes meet on Tuesday and Thursday at 4:30 and 6:30pm and Sunday at 9:00am. Look for the titles of classes that say "yoga class" or "Yoga 101" - those are ashtanga focused.